Reasons to secure your mail

Your Brisbane based house looks great, your landscaping is done, but there’s something not quite right. An old tatty looking letterbox can really drag the appearance of your home. The issue with an old tatty letterbox isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s also about security too.

Whilst it is a federal offence to steal somebodies mail, it doesn’t always stop an opportunistic thief.

Why is it so important to secure your mail?

  • Whilst so much can be done online these days there are still a few things we need snail mail for and when you leave your letterbox unsecured you are risking giving access to very personal and private information.
  • Credit cards are still sent via mail; don’t become a thief’s best friend by making it easy for them to steal from you.
  • At Christmas time it’s not uncommon to send cards with money, and as this is a well-known thing it is the perfect time for a thief to clean up.
  • Packages are easy pray when you consider how easy it is to pick most letterbox locks. Why pay good money for an order and then risk it getting stolen?
  • Your letterbox is the perfect way to gain sensitive information about you for identity theft, which can give access to your accounts and other personal information.

How can I secure my letterbox?

  • A high-quality light weight letterbox from Poly-Tek Australia is the perfect solution. Our letterboxes are easy to install and are concreted in place. The locks are secure and tamper-proof, so you can be assured of your mail security.
  • If you have an existing letterbox you can visit your local locksmith and ask what locking solutions, they recommend; don’t forget a small investment can save you a lot of hassle and money in the long-run.
  • Adding a security camera to your mail box can deter criminals from stealing your mail.
  • As more mailbox theft takes place at night, a sensor light is an effective and budget friendly way to shine the spot light on a potential criminal, no longer having the cloak of darkness to shield them it can be a great deterrent for criminals.

Letterboxes for your Brisbane home that are safe and secure.

Talk to Poly-Tek in Brisbane, our letterboxes are safe, secure and look great. Boost your home’s street appeal and keep your personal information safe by calling 07 3323 3666 and speaking with friendly team.

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What Our Clients Say

Troy “MyNickname”
Troy “MyNickname”
I usually cringe when I comes to purchasing construction products and dealing with tradesman. But the team and products from Poly-Tek have blown my expectations out of the water. Great customer service and fantastic products, highly recommended :)
Bu rt
Bu rt
Great products and customer service from Neil and the team here, have used couple times already and will continue to do so.
Jay Lesquillier
Jay Lesquillier
Had a rendered fence supplied and installed a few years ago. Very happy with it. Today I needed a couple of replaced parts and Natasha was very helpful to solve for me. Appreciate the great after sales service.
Mark S
Mark S
Great product!
Amanda Jansen
Amanda Jansen
Poly-Tek's excellent customer service and extensive product knowledge helped me from start (first phone call) to finish. It was a very pleasant & rewarding experience for me. I have already started referring Poly-Tek to others people who have not dealt with this great business yet. I highly recommend this company and their innovative building products!!